NEW YORK CITY, New York (September 6, 2022) – With a mission to bring healthcare resources to underserved communities, New York City-based global health nonprofit, Parasites Without Borders (PWB), raised $50,000 to help reopen the Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children’s (FIMRC) Project Bududa, Uganda site. Due to the pandemic, FIMRC had to stop in-person volunteer opportunities at their Bududa, Uganda site and therefore were lacking the necessary funds to continue operating the clinic.
“After closing for May and June and seeing zero patients during that time, thanks to the generosity of Parasites Without Borders, FIMRC restarted operations in July and cared for 1,345 patients, including 243 malaria cases,” explained Brian Park, Project Bududa Strategic Advisor. “We delivered 19 babies in the month of July and 647 of the patients we saw were children under the age of 5.”
FIMRC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving access to healthcare for families around the world through the implementation of innovative and self-sustaining health programs. Founded in 2002, incorporated in Washington, DC and headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, FIMRC utilizes its network of outpatient clinics and partnerships to assert multidimensional strategy that includes clinical services, extensive community outreach efforts, and health education programs.
“For FIMRC, the effects of COVID brought about the ‘impossible’ nightmare scenario of losing the majority of its revenue and having to shutter Project Bududa due to the lack of funding,” said Park. “Yet, once again Parasites Without Borders has shown their generosity to us and the entire Bududa community by providing us with such a significant donation, to enable our clinic to continue operating for the time being to address the many healthcare needs of Bududa District. With malaria season in full swing right now and the number of patients (especially children) rising every month, I really can’t overstate how significant and impactful of a lifeline PWB provided us. We are all truly grateful for the special bond between PWB, FIMRC, and Bududa District.”
ABOUT PARASITES WITHOUT BORDERS – Founded in New York City in 2016 by Daniel Griffin, MD, PhD, Dickson D. Despommier, PhD and Charles A. Knirsch, MD, MPH and joined by Vincent Racaniello, PhD and Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, Parasites Without Borders is a comprehensive, advanced educational resource and disseminator of basic and clinical information dealing with all aspects of the global problems associated with parasitic diseases. Learn more at and follow along on social media: Twitter @PWB_Global and Facebook @ParasitesWithoutBorders
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