World Zoonoses Day is July 6
A Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
study found that 60 percent of all existing infectious diseases are zoonotic, and at least 70 percent of emerging infectious diseases originate in animals.
Food Safety is Everyone’s Business
According to WHO, "Every day, on average, 1,600,000 people get sick due to unsafe food, contaminated with bacteria, viruses, [and] parasites…. It affects all countries" — even the United States.
Malaria Continues to Pose Significant Threat to Worldwide Health
According to the World Health Organization (WHO)'s 2023 annual malaria report, incidences are rising, meaning that having knowledge and training accessible to medical staff and academics is critical.
This Week in Virology Podcast Breaks Down Viral Topics in Approachable Way
The Infectious Disease Puscast is a bi-monthly podcast that summarizes and discusses the latest infectious disease literature and research to conveniently keep busy clinicians, researchers, students, and others current.
Infectious Disease Puscast Aims To Make Critical Medical Information More Accessible
The Infectious Disease Puscast is a bi-monthly podcast that summarizes and discusses the latest infectious disease literature and research to conveniently keep busy clinicians, researchers, students, and others current.
The New City: How to Build Our Sustainable Urban Future is Available for Pre-Order, Will be Released September 26th
In Dr. Dickson D. Despommier’s new book, The New City: How to Build Our Sustainable Urban Future, he proposes a visionary yet achievable plan for creating a new, self-sustaining urban landscape.