Our Books

Education for all those in a position to apply medical knowledge directly to populations most in need of solutions to alleviate the burden of parasitic diseases.

Parasitic Diseases, 7th Edition

Free downloads in English and Spanish are available in high and low-resolution PDFs. You may order directly from Parasites Without Borders. The book is available for purchase on Amazon --English Hardcover or Kindle (7th edition) or Spanish Kindle (6th edition).

Read a review of Parasitic Diseases in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, by Philip J. Rosenthal.

Enfermedades Parasitarias, Sexta Edición

Enfermedades Parasitarias Sexta Edición

Medical Handbook for Limited Resource Settings V2 (2022)

Medical Handbook for Limited Resource Settings V2 COVER


Clinical Appendix for the 7th Edition of Parasitic Diseases

Book cover "Clinical Appendix for Parasitic Diseases 7th Edition"

Paul Has Measles

Susana López, Martha Yocupicio, Selene Zárate, virologists from Mexico, together with graphic illustrator Eva Lobatón, have teamed up to produce Paul Has Measles, a children’s book about viruses and vaccines.

Download or Purchase

Paul Has Measles is available as a free pdf in 17 languages. It may also be purchased as a Kindle or paperback edition at Amazon. The Spanish and English versions are also available as videos.


Paul Stays Home

From the authors of Paul Has Measles comes Paul Stays Home, an illustrated book about COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 for children.

Paul is sad because he can’t go out. He can’t see his friends or visit his grandparents. Like everyone else, he has to wait until the coronavirus pandemic is over. What is the coronavirus? How is it spread? How can we take care of ourselves and our families?

Paul Stays Home is written by Susana López, Selene Zárate, and Marth Yocupicio, with illustrations by Eva Lobatón.


A PDF of Paul Stays Home can be downloaded free of charge in the following 11 languages:


Paul Stays Home

Books for Purchase

Principles of Virology is the leading virology textbook because it does more than collect and present facts about individual viruses. Instead, it facilitates an understanding of basic virology by examining the shared processes and capabilities of viruses.

Book cover "Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism"

Vaccines Did Not Cause
Rachel’s Autism

 by Peter Hotez

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Parasites Without Borders

A comprehensive educational resource on all aspects of parasitic diseases and their impact on humanity around the globe.

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Help bring the latest medical and basic biological information pertaining to diseases caused by eukaryotic parasites to every practicing physician and medical student within the United States.