Weekly Clinical Updates

As infectious diseases such as SARS, Monkeypox, Polio, HIV, and Ebola travel the globe and garner media attention, Parasites Without Borders staff are curating resources in a timely, ongoing basis. We believe the information posted here is worthy of further examination by the science and medical communities. Our primary goal remains to bring the latest medical and biological information to the forefront for researchers and practicing physicians.

Image of people on a boat getting across large body of water in tropical area

Throughout February, March And April, All Donations Made To Parasites Without Borders Will Be Matched By PWB And Donated To Floating Doctors

MicrobeTV Podcast

MicrobeTV is an independent podcast network for people who are interested in the life sciences. Our shows are about viruses, bacteria, parasites, evolution, immunology, and neuroscience.

November 7, 2024

Symptoms Six Weeks After COVID-19 are Reduced Among US Health Care Personnel Receiving Additional Vaccine Doses During the Omicron Period, December 2021–April 2022 | Microbial Dynamics and Pulmonary Immune Responses in COVID-19 Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia | Long-Term Risk of Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Connective Tissue Disorders Following COVID-19
Women Taking a Step Towards Health

October 31, 2024

Repeated COVID-19 mRNA-based Vaccination Contributes to SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Responses in the Mucosa | SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1.5 mRNA Booster Vaccination Elicits Limited Mucosal Immunity | Risk for Facial Palsy after COVID-19 Vaccination, South Korea, 2021–2022 | Nirmatrelvir Plus Ritonavir Reduces COVID-19 Hospitalization and Prevents Long COVID in Adult Outpatients | Time to Sustained Recovery Among Outpatients With COVID-19 Receiving Montelukast vs Placebo - The ACTIV-6 Randomized Clinical Trial | Clinical and Functional Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Sequelae among Young Marines – A Panel Study

October 24, 2024

The Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Community Indoor Settings | Relative Effectiveness of the NVX-CoV2373 Vaccine Compared With the BNT162b2 Vaccine in Adolescents | Viral and Symptom Rebound Following Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibody Therapy in a Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial | The Importance of Including Long COVID Outcomes When Developing Novel Treatments for Acute COVID-19 | The Persistence of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) after SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Healthcare worker giving a Covid-19 vaccine shot

October 17, 2024

Relative Effectiveness and Waning of a Third Dose of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Medicare Beneficiaries | Remdesivir-associated Survival Outcomes among Immunocompromised Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 | Remdesivir Effectiveness in Reducing the Risk of 30-day Readmission in Vulnerable Patients | Measurement of Circulating Viral Antigens Post-SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Multicohort Study | Driving Under the Cognitive Influence of COVID-19 | Long COVID Facts and Findings
Detailed illustration of a coronavirus cell

October 10, 2024

The Platform Trial In COVID-19 Priming and BOOsting (PICOBOO) | COVID-19 Is a Coronary Artery Disease Risk Equivalent and Exhibits a Genetic Interaction With ABO Blood Type | Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping at 7 T in COVID-19: Brainstem Effects and Outcome Associations
Covid-19 vaccine vial and syringe ready for injection

October 3, 2024

Ziresovir in Hospitalized Infants with Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection | SARS-CoV-2-specific Plasma Cells are Not Durably Established in the Bone Marrow Long-lived Compartment after mRNA Vaccination | Effects of Losartan on Patients Hospitalized for Acute COVID-19 | Mechanisms of Long COVID and the Path Toward Therapeutics | Post-hospitalization COVID-19 Cognitive Deficits

Situation Dashboards


World Health Organization (WHO)

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation from World Health Organization (WHO)

Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at JHU

COVID-19 in US and Canada

1Point3Acres Real-Time Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates in US and Canada with Credible Sources

Genomic Epidemiology COVID-19

Genomic Epidemiology of (COVID-19) Maintained by the Nextstrain team, enabled by data from GISAID.

Sources for COVID-19 Information


World Health Organization (WHO)


Centers for Disease Control, US


International Society for Infectious Diseases


This Week in Virology (TWIV)

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Parasites Without Borders

A comprehensive educational resource on all aspects of parasitic diseases and their impact on humanity around the globe.

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